Product Details
Produced to keep your newborn calves warm and dry. AniMac Calf Jackets support crucial weight gain, promote healthy immune systems and significant savings on feed & medication.
The AniMac Waterproof Super Calf Jacket is our best selling, premium calf product. Purposefully designed using advanced materials to create a waterproof, yet breathable calf jacket. The snug-fitting design ensures your calf remains warm and dry to support weight gain in those crucial first weeks. Available in four sizes, measured from base of neck to top of tail. Also suitable for sheep, goats and alpaca.
- Waterproof and Breathable Calf Jacket (3000/3000)
- Anti-Bacterial treatment on lining
- 200gm Polyfill keeps calf warm and comfortable
- Adjustable belly and leg straps keeping clear of navel, with easy to use plastic clip
- Safely machine washable at 40C
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